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Project Details

Project dates
15/11/2021  – 21/11/2021
Toronto, ON, Canada

Brody Coffey-Whitworth

Project Lead

Sampling the water in Toronto lakeshore area in multiple locations including Humber River Bridge, Ontario Place, Polson Pier, and Woodbine Beach.

Project Description

This citizen science project involved the sampling of water quality around the Toronto Lakeshore area and measured the temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorine, PH, alkalinity, hardness, and depth. In that process, It was my first time conducting water sampling learning about our local drinking water – I gained a new respect for water science.

What was your biggest challenge?

Finding a good day, weather-wise, to go out and take samples. As I don’t have a science background, trying to figure out how the results could differ if the weather was different.

What was your most valuable takeaway?

How much I enjoyed the science-side of sampling as someone without a science background.

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